About the brand

Hi, I am Alicja, the founder of the Greener Serenity! :)
I would like to tell you few words about my motivation to start this company.
I am trying to grow in various areas of my life. I have learned that it is all about trying to become a better-self everyday, rather than demanding perfection from ourselves during every step of the way. I believe in learning and expanding our horizons daily through small, sometimes barely noticeable changes. I also believe that everyone makes mistakes. Nobody is perfect. I know, it sounds like such a cliché, doesn't it. However, it truly is something we should understand and accept, so that then we can use that knowledge to our benefit. Every mistake is an opportunity for a lesson and small steps can bring us all to something great. 
The aim of Greener Serenity is to allow all of us to comfortably make those small changes in our lives, for the sake of a greener future. We know that finding products which will both answer our needs and be good for the planet is not always easy. That is why we want to make it easier. This company
is here for you, to provide you with the option to shop in the eco-friendly way.

We are focused on expanding the offer and the reach of environmentally friendly products, that would allow everyone enjoy their life to the fullest, while helping the planet. We look for suppliers and partners who want to make a positive difference in this world. We focus mostly on sustainable products, ethically sourced materials, biodegradable ingredients and giving back to the environment. You can read more about our environment and society related activities in our "Sustainability" and "A message to you" sections :)
We are not perfect, but we are constantly trying to evolve and learn
to provide the highest quality service and offer the best products to our customers. We believe in better future and we view mistakes as lessons necessary to progress. That is why in case you have any comments
or suggestions that would help us improve even further, you are more than welcome to send us an email at info@greenerserenity.com.
We hope we can grow and learn together while taking care of ourselves,
the ones we love and our environment :)  
Lots of love,